YUAN SU's profile

India Ellora Caves- Kailasa Temple

India Ellora Caves- Kailasa temple

作者/ YUAN SU​​​​​​​
時間/ 2021/8/05
媒材/ 油畫

印度埃洛拉石窟(India Ellora Caves),在一千年前最早是由佛教徒所建造,因當時佛教逐漸式微,而日漸興盛的印度教與耆那教後續修築。凱拉薩神廟(Kailasa temple)以雕刻著名,整座神廟以一顆石頭雕成,建築形式漸漸往繁複且華麗發展。

At first I imagined the source of religion, so I thought of "eggs." Before the stone was carved, it slowly formed from a huge volume. I transformed this process into interesting oval shapes and curves. Although the temple makes people feel serious, it is also a cumulative achievement, and I think painting is also. I tried to make the picture not too serious, so I added a little visual design in it to form the tension of the picture.

#油絵 #oilpainting  #oiloncanves
India Ellora Caves- Kailasa Temple

Project Made For

India Ellora Caves- Kailasa Temple
